One value of the Qumran or Dead Sea Scrolls is that they are a time capsule from the age before and during the time of Yeshua of Nazareth. As such, they reveal how some Jewish priests from Jerusalem understood their faith and how they interpreted the Hebrew Bible.
The scrolls were not altered by Jewish scribes trying to downplay Bible interpretations that would make Jews "susceptible" to New Testament teaching. Nor were they tampered with by Christian scribes who might insert material to make it appear Jews believed certain Christian doctines before the era of Yeshua. Among the nearly 900 distinct scroll fragments, a few documents mention the Messiah and apparently two messiahs. In some texts, "messiah" appears to be a member of the Qumran community. In others, he is called "son of God" (4Q246), "elect of God" (4Q534), or "first-born son" of God (4Q369). In 1Q28a, the text says "God begets the Messiah." In addition, these scrolls show that several passages from the Hebrew Bible were interpreted "messianically" by some rabbis prior to the New Testament era. Among these texts are Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; 2 Samuel 7:14; Isaiah 9:5-6, 11:1-4, and 52:7; Jeremiah 23:5; Psalm 2:1; Daniel 7:13-14 and 9:25. [Top ]
Book of Jubilees
Written around 140 BC/E, Jubilees follows Daniel 9:25 in attempting to calculate the precise time of the "Anointed One's" arrival. Based on the time patterns proposed in Jubilees and Daniel's prophecy, the Messiah would come during the time-window 3 BC/E to 2 AD. For research details see: Roger Beckwith, "The Significance of the Calendar for Interpreting Essene Chronology and Eschatology," Revue de Qumran 10 (no. 38, 1980): 179-80; and "Daniel & the Date of Messiah's Coming," Revue de Qumran 10 (no. 40, 1981): 523-25.
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Hebrew-Greek Transliteration [PDF]